Monday, August 8, 2011


While walking on the Camino, I ran into a tree that was screaming with abundant fruit, one that I had not yet seen before on the Camino.  As I looked further, they looked a lot like DUHAT, which is a fruit I used to eat a lot of when I was a young kid growing up in the Philippines.  I had to try it to see and confirm.  But there was no one around to ask if it was okay and edible.  I waited and hesitated but in the end, I grabbed a handful, rinsed it and ate it.  It was delicious!  It totally tasted like duhat and sweeter.... until a local burst my bubble.

As I kept on walking, a lady saw me eating it and told me that I should not eat it because it's not edible!  She also gave me a nervous laugh.  She said I should go to the doctor if I started feeling sick.  Obviously, this ruined my appetite and the moment for me.  So I had to throw away my duhat to my dismay.

In the end, I was fine.  I drank water and I didn't get sick.  Ahhhh, life of a pilgrim.

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