Hello all! I arrived in Switzerland yesterday and now I'm in Lourdes, France at an internet café. Lots to say here but internet access is expensive and my typing is slow (the French keyboard is brutal!).
I am sick and have been even before I left Canada - hence the lack of blog entries in the last number of days. I have a cold, cough and a mild case of diarrhea. Thank goodness I brought proper medications for these conditions.
Anyway, I'm so excited to be back in Europe 10 years after my first time. It's just as beautiful as I remember it to be. I just spent the whole day in Lourdes. I visited the Shrine dedicated to St. Bernadette to whom Our Lady appeared to. I went to mass as well and collected water from the miraculous fountain. The water is potable and it was very refreshing. I wish I could stay here for a few more days. It is a small town but there is much to see and much to do. But I am scheduled to start the Camino tomorrow and I like to stick to schedule.
I have taken some photos but I'm afraid I can't post any on here because I brought the wrong USB cable! I'll see what I can do in the next few days.
Pray for me, that I'll start to feel better.
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